Is God dead?

 Is God Dead?

If you are a believer in a higher being, possibly even the proclaimed Father of all creation (AKA GOD), you may wonder …..

  • Why won’t He talk to us, anymore? 

  • Why does He allow so much evil?

These are very reasonable questions for anyone to ask.  As a believer in Elohim, YHWH(Yahweh), the One true God, I believe He still remains with us all.  Still, for others, evidence of an active living God may be difficult to see, especially when faced with the common evils of this world.  

Intelligent Design

To have a belief in God, you must have examples of what you would accept as evidence.  Personally, I would look no further than within yourself.  If you have studied even basic human biology, it becomes very difficult to believe that within all the intricate complexities of the most simplistic portions of our body, that it just kind adapted to its surroundings over a period of time. I am not alone in my examination of the human cell or even DNA as that of only becoming of intelligent design (aka a creator).  

While evolution has produced a theory of new forms of life self developing from similar simpler forms of life strictly by chance, creationists believe that all forms of life have an origin based from design.   This is a reasonable position to hold because where one theory does not explain the origin of the explanation, the other theory (or faith based position) is the complete explanation in its entirety.  Think about it this way, the big bang theory doesn’t explain or even attempt to solve the question of its origin.  Even if you consider the most recent chemical reaction theories, you still are left with questions of how DNA could possess information bearing properties if just the result of a series of incredible odd defying chemical reactions.  

Silent Treatment?

So even if you only subscribe to the possibility of a designer, as some have concluded with ancient alien theories of our planet being seeded with human life created by some higher being, it would not be that far fetched to accept the argument of those whose faith lay in the bible.   In the bible God has a name, YHWH who is mentioned as having walked in the Garden of Eden and speaking directly to the first man and woman and even their son Cain. He spoke with Noah, his sons and Abraham and Moses.   So why has He not spoken to us in over 2000 years?  Is it something we said?  

God is still with us.  He communicates with us in other ways besides audibly.   The bible mentions other ways God communicated and many of those are still in use today.  Angels described as messengers have been used, recall Gabriel when he spoke to the soon to be mother Yeshua ha`Mashsiach (which is translated from Hebrew to mean Jesus the Messiah) Miryam (Mary) in the book of Luqas (Luke).  God is also mentioned as speaking to individuals in dreams or visions in the bible but the number one way he communicates is through his Word the bible.  

Technically the bible was not completed as we know it until the first century.  Everything we need to know about anything he would need to talk to us about is written.  The past, the present and the future is completed in print and digitally in over 3000 languages.  There is no reason not to possess or read a copy of the oldest known best selling writing of human history.  Should that not be enough, you are instructed to communicate with him through prayer.  He will then provide an answer to your prayers in a variety of ways, including inspiration through your own or the actions of others.  He is unlimited in his power and will, so you must be ready to receive his message when and however, it may arrive. 

Why God, Why?

So one of the most common questions ever has been presented.  If there is a God (and a loving one at that) why would God ever allow all the evil that exists on earth?   I mean there are such things as Human Trafficing or Sex Slavery or Baby Cancer.   If God is real, or not dead, how could He allow any of it?  

Some say God is responsible for it, which is not the case at all.  God did not take your loved one, or kill someone in a natural disaster just because they were sinners.  He didn’t do any of it at all.   The day and the life of an average human being is mostly coincidental while usually anything outright evil in nature should have blame placed on the enemy of God.  If you read the bible an explanation is given for the woes of the earth and all of its evils in Revelation 12:12.  That's right, the Devil himself is responsible.  He is described as having been cast out of heaven to the earth having great wrath knowing he has little time.  

So think,  a psychopathic killer on death row escapes prison loose in the home of the person that got him convicted.   It's literally that simple.  Satan is responsible for the evils on earth, even described as a roaring lion seeking to devour someone.   The question still remains, why has God allowed the devil to attack His children? The bible explains that the devil has been limited in his ability to harm humans, especially those faithful to God. (2 thessalonians 3:3-5)  The purpose of it all is to test the faith of God’s children, as God wants true servants that love Him with their whole heart and soul.  The first man and woman failed that test and were cursed. (Genesis chapter 3)  This is part of the result of satan’s and their disobedience.  If you are faithful to God you are assured that you will not experience a trial beyond your ability and God will make a way of escape for you.  (1 Corinthians 10:13)  

You should be aware of how Satan operates.  Not much has changed from the Garden of eden.  Not all tragedy is directly by Satan's hand; he did not forcibly make the first man and woman to  eat the forbidden fruit, nor did he tell them to do so. Some tragic events are simply coincidental, an occurrence formed from only related circumstances of evil that he may or may not have had a hand in.  So yes, this world has grown to become one huge network of people all implanted with satanic seeds of evil growing into dark jungles of nothing short of your worst nightmares, but Satan is the reason for the infection whether he is directly responsible or indirectly. 

Yes, God is allowing it all to happen but only for a short period of time.  You may read about it all in the book of Revelation.  It is the job of everyone that wants to survive to remain faithful to God, develop and maintain a strong relationship through prayer and stand strong against being used or actually performing any act of evil. 



A Non denominational ministry keeping it strictly scriptual. The word of God has shown the way to salvation! No emotional, traditional, or religious bias shall keep us from following the light of YAH.



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